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My dwelling in the maddness of life and motherhood.

08 July 2011


What is the worst thing someone you care about can say to you; 6 inches from your face at the top of their lungs; something that feels the equivalent of being stabbed? Let me share: “I hate you. My family hates you. I don’t care.”

According to Merriam Webster the word hate is defined as:
1. a. intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury
    b. extreme dislike or antipathy : loathing
2. an object of hatred
1. to feel extreme enmity toward
2. to have a strong aversion to: find very distasteful
intransitive verb
1. to express or feel extreme enmity or active hostility

You can’t take back words. They resonate and bang around your brain at varying octaves and tones in waves. I’m sorry never erases the venom that stung. The poison will eat away until there is nothing left. You can kill a person with words.

Yes, sometimes being responsible sucks: it includes, putting your children and partner above all else, making some people unhappy with your decisions, and making sacrifices that are unpleasant. No one said that being responsible was easy or comfortable. But that’s what makes the world go around: responsibility and respect…it’s what makes us civilized.

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