8 weeks have come and gone. I can't believe how much she has already grown. From 6 pounds to 9 pounds in the blink of an eye. She's finally out of her newborn clothes in her 0-3. So cute to have her in adorable dresses and not just onezies, and o how many pictures can a doating new mom take? Thousands!
8 weeks have come and gone. O crap! I only have 4 more weeks, one more month, I'm one third of the way through my maternity...and the income is gone...no more pay - we're eating through the income tax return now and still managing, but...for how much longer is anyone's guess. I haven't really paid much attention to the bills and our finances, and that was always my job. The accounts seem high enough, but once nothing else comes in...we're in trouble. But I only have 4 more weeks home with my precious baby.
8 weeks and you would think I'd be ready for some adult interaction, some decent clothes, and a day out of the house. No way! You can't make me leave her. I don't want to go anywhere without her by my side. Actually I just don't want to go anywhere. I'm so comfortable at home on the couch, in bed, sitting at the table. Beside I hurt too much...how am I going to make the drive and sit all day. O this is not good...I can feel it...the wave of panic and tears. Good thing I'm alone and no one sees me clutching my little one like it was our last moments on Earth and me sobbing and rocking just imagining that first day away.
8 weeks, time to load my next batch of pictures onto the computer. While I'm at it I'll check my work email: clean out the junk mail, and forward any misdirected issues...it's been 8 weeks and I bet...yep...hundreds of emails in my inbox. Most are easy to delete...stupid junk mail. A few need to be sent to someone because I'm not working on anything I don't "have" to. And the rest get filed as FYIs. Whew...not as scary as it could have been...eveyone knows I'm on maternity, and I'm grateful that they don't pester me and take time from my angel. And then..."I'm not sure who I need to send this to, however, the current temp working for you has accepted a full time position elsewhere, and her last day will be a week from this Friday. Please let me know if I can send someone else in her place." What?!
8 weeks. I'm NOT going back early. No way. But wait...I need some income and I have a brilliant idea. I call HR and then send an email to my boss. I will work from home part time for the last three weeks of my maternity in exchange for the ability to work from home 2 days a week through the month of June. YAY. I can ease my way back into work, and maybe get excited to go back, and then I get to be home 2 days a week. Nice. I can do this. Really I can. Rich has a temp job so I'll work from home on the days he needs to work his temp...the perfect situation.
8 weeks and I only have 2 weeks left of total, 100% baby time left. We need the money, and I need to refocus again. I don't think I put the baby down for 2 weeks. I just held her and cried.
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