So I said I wasn't going to blog today because I just didn't feel like it. I've been spending every spare second catching up on years of lost brain has been starved. I wanted to talk about Anya's first official hair cut or how sucked in by the eReader I recently purchased wirh gift cards I've become and how I've turned off the TV at night and even disconnected from FB further than I expected in my experiment. But I haven't felt compelled to detail all this insanity. Yet 4 minutes before quitting time and a nanny to relieve I suddenly can't stop myself. And here is my question...
I have a memoir that grew from Undergrad to my Graduate project that I'm compelled to introduce here on my blog. I feel like my story is in too many pieces now and I must merge and meld them all together. That being said...I'm curious...shall I plunk it all out in one gory installment, or shall I release a segment daily or weekly or periodically as I walk down my mindspace lane?
hmmm....of course, i want to read it all, right now, right away...but serializing is a most wonderful idea, and would give both you and the reader a sense of timing and content you might not otherwise get if you left it unedited (as in determining natural breaks, not as in deleting content)...